
Neurology is the specialty dealing with managing diseases affecting the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves and muscles. Neurological problems manifests as any aberrations in activities of daily living like inability to do the day to day chores of life like speaking, walking, seeing or drinking and in certain situations even thinking. Some of the neurological problems force a person to leave his work. A number of these are treated if consulted early.

The department of Neurology at Velocity Hospital is highly skilled department of adult and paediatric neurologists in Surat who specialize in diagnosis and treatment of all the conditions and diseases affecting the nervous system. The department works very closely with all the other departments related to neurology. Our department of neurology is led by one of the top neurologists in Surat.

We have a team of doctors who are experienced & specialized in this area.

Dr Prayag Makwana

Consultant Neurophysician
